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"How can I tell if my breeding queen is pregnant?" - The Cat Breeding For Beginners Podcast
Hi, I am Pamela and I breed British Shorthairs in Perth, Western Australia. I have a passion for cat breeding and I want to share my knowledge and experience with you. In this episode I answer the question "How can I...
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"Dealing with Calling Girls" - The Cat Breeding For Beginners Podcast
In this podcast I talk about how girls behave when they are in season or "calling", what you can do about it and how I have dealt with it over the years. I share what a calling girl sounds like and talk about why they...
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"Blood Type Incompatibility in Cats" - Cat Breeding For Beginners Podcast
In this episode of the Cat Breeding for Beginners Podcast I talk about "Neonatal Isoerythrolysis" or what I call Blood Type Incompatibility in cats. This is really important in some breeds and something not all new...
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"Retiring A Stud Cat, What You Need To Know " - The Cat Breeding For Beginners Podcast
Stud Cats. I get asked more questions about them than anything else. In this episode of the Cat Breeding for Beginners Podcast I talk about desexing and retiring stud cats. I share a few of my personal experiences...
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"Can You Breed And Rescue?" - The Cat Breeding For Beginners Podcast
There are too many cats in the world. It's a fact. There are more cats than there are homes wanting to adopt cats. In this podcast I chat about rescue work and how this is not in line with cat breeding but how it...
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"New vs established cat breeders. Do they really HATE each other?" - The Cat Breeding For Beginners Podcast
New to cat breeding? I know you will hear the negative comments I am about to talk about. You may even be the person saying it, and that's okay because no one has ever told you what's really going on. In this podcast...
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"How Do You Get Your Breeding Cats To Call" - The Cat Breeding For Beginners Podcast
Breeding cats is all about timing. You need to wait for certain things to line up at the right time in order to have a successful mating and then a successful litter. One if those things is your girl coming into...
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"Confused about cat coat colours? Let's get BASIC" - The Cat Breeding For Beginners Podcast
This is such a confusing topic, cat coat colours! It's a whole course in itself but let's look at the very most basic thing you need to know about cat colour genetics, the basics. This one might be one you need to...
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"How to tell one kitten from another" - The Cat Breeding For Beginners Podcast
Kittens being born, it's so exciting but as they arrive how do you tell them apart? If they are the same colour or even similar it can be really hard. Let me tell you what I don't do and what actually works for...
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"Phenotype and Genotype, HUH?" - The Cat Breeding For Beginners Podcast
We judge cats by Phenotype and not by Genotype. What does that even mean. I know if you go to enough shows you will hear these words. Let me explain them in a super basic way for you. It's all about what's inside vs...
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"Should You Change Cat Associations?" - The Cat Breeding For Beginners Podcast
๐Changing Cat Associations!!๐ A hot topic that I think will get people talking. I have done it a few times and as a registrar I have helped other people do it. There is a lot to consider. Have a listen as I talk about...
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"WORMS, the shocking truth" - The Cat Breeding For Beginners Podcast
Well this podcast could be opening a can of worms (get it? LOL). I got asked about what my worming schedule was for my kittens. The answer is really going to surprise you. I hope this pod gives you some food for...
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