"Blood Type Incompatibility in Cats" - Cat Breeding For Beginners Podcast
In this episode of the Cat Breeding for Beginners Podcast I talk about "Neonatal Isoerythrolysis" or what I call Blood Type Incompatibility in cats. This is really important in some breeds and something not all new breeders know about. It can be devastating to lose kittens and not understand why. It's even worse when in could have been prevented. Learn what it is, how to work out who can go with who and what to do if you do have incompatible breeding cats.
** Please note, I realised that I mentioned the blood types you can get from a blood type incompatible mating. That if dad is Ab then some kittens can be A blood type. This is correct but I think I said they could be AA. Mum is bb so no kittens can be AA. They can only be Ab or bb. It's confusing right!!